Who We Are
Mission Statement:
The Unemployment Law Project (ULP) advocates for workers in Washington State to advance their economic security during periods of unemployment. The ULP also pursues legislative, regulatory, and policy changes to hold government agencies and employers accountable, thereby strengthening equitable practices for unemployed workers.
With offices in Seattle and Spokane, Washington, we offer our services to anyone with a Washington State claim.
Values Statement:
Community – ULP is grounded in the labor and social justice movements. Our work brings together skilled attorneys, legal professionals, law students, volunteers, and community partners to best defend the rights of unemployed workers in Washington.
Respect – ULP recognizes the inherent value of all people regardless of their circumstances or identity.
Equity – Justice should not be a privilege reserved for those who have the means to pay for it. At ULP, we work to remove the barriers that too often prevent individuals from participating in the justice system.
In 2024, we:
- Represented more than 650 individuals throughout the state in administrative hearings;
- Advised and educated claimants navigating the unemployment system on their own, through our helpline;
- Litigated appeals in state courts;
- Lobbied in the Washington Legislature and coordinated with the Employment Security Department on improvements to the law for all claimants.
Alliance for Equal Justice:
The Unemployment Law Project is a member of the Washington State Alliance for Equal Justice:
The work of the Alliance for Equal Justice is guided by several documents (these links will take you out of the ULP website; use your browser’s back button to return):
The Washington State Civil Legal Needs Study
The Plan for the Delivery of Civil Legal Aid to Low-Income People In Washington State (Revised 2006)
Hallmarks of an Effective Statewide Civil Legal Services System